Be ready with the following information to complete your listing:
- Business name
- Year you started
- Size of your business (you must be between Sole Trader & 1-20 employees to be eligible)
- Business contact Information (phone number/email/website link (this can be your socials) /Facebook and Instagram link)
- Business bio and owner bio
- You picture to share yourself (if you prefer not, thats ok – just pop in your business logo)
- Choose 3 Categories that best define your business
- Choose 3 Tags to help people find you when they refine their search
- 6 images of your products or services
- IF RELEVANT TO YOUR BUSINESS – you have more chances to be found by telling people:
- where you product/service was sourced (do you source it local or overseas)
- where you product/service is available (ie: online only, in store, worldwide etc)