May 1, 2021

$99.99 / month

The SOCIAL package is the best for those who want to appear on the Small Business Directory AND have ongoing weekly access to our Small Business & Second Page social media communities.

We share you AND your amazing small business – locally and around Australia on an ongoing basis. You become a part of our weekly quest to get your name out to all of Australia and THE WORLD!

On our Socials:

We currently have approx 20,000 social media followers Australia-wide on our socials.

We then write you up and share you on the Second Page Instagram and Facebook page.

It is shared with our small business communities relevant to the state your business is located in. Find out more here.

You then have access to us on a weekly basis for promoting your new products, giveaways, events and more through our stories reaching thousands of people.




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On the directory:

-Business Information you can include in your listing:

Business name
Size of your business
Contact Information (phone number/email/website link/socials)
Business bio and owner bio (with the business logo or picture)

-Add 5 Categories and 5 Tags to help people discover your business on the Second-page directory! You show higher up in the feed to be found by more people across the directory.

-Include 6 images of your products or services and have the option to share a video link.

-Mention where your product is sourced.

-You will be displayed on a featured business listing on the front page of the directory.
-You have the option to share your blog, reels and podcast with our readers.

(this is all subject to the discretion of the Second Page – pending on the content of the blog/podcast.)